So as you have noticed the past 4 weeks we have been working on a bunch of strict work in the Handstand Walk and strict Pull-ups & Muscle Ups. This is all to build a strong foundation in these movements! You will also continue to see an emphasis on Olympic Lifts! Time to get strong!
Upcoming Events
September 19: 6-8:30pm
Interested in trying out CrossFit? Come join us for a two-hour on-boarding class!
Oly Luve Competition
September 28th, 2019
Every year, one day, spread the luve. This event helps raise money for childhood cancer research through Seattle Children's Hospital. Teams of 2 males & 2 females! RX & Scaled divisions! For more information check out Oly Luve website and to register for the competition: click here
Armor Open Olympic Lifting Competition
October 26th
Thinking about doing a Weightlifting competition? Try out this great event!
For more information: click here
Happy Birthday!
Kennan Devlin (9/1)
Adam Tumblin (9/6)
Carriann Hadland (9/7)
Heidi Wezenberg (9/7)
Heather Cruz (9/8)
Jared Brose (9/9)
Charles Beal (9/10)
Michael Mahlon (9/11)
Karli Landwehrle (9/11)
Rebecca Redding (9/11)
Krystal Onyema (9/14)
5th Year Anniversary!
Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate the gym's 5th anniversary! Here is to the next 5 years!
Best of the West
Congratulations to the athletes who competed in the Best of the West! Way to represent the gym!